I'm pleased to be able to announce that The Complex Christ is now going to be released properly in the US. Thank God. No more trips to the post office to mail them over! And no more customs delays! I'll post a purchase link when I have one.
It's going to be re-named Signs of Emergence, and come out under an imprint of the good people at Baker books.
For lots of reasons I'm going to be quitting this blog. I need a rest, the design is tired too, plus I need some time to work on some other writing projects and some time while some things emerge post-Vaux. I also wanted a new Typepad root to hang a load of other blogs off.
So for those of you who like to continue journeying with me, I'll eventually be blogging here at http://kester.typepad.com/signs
The site is almost finished, but, as I said, I'm going to have a break for a bit and start posting proper around Christmas. I'll let people know somehow.
Until then, I'll be keeping an eye on this blog and replying to comments etc.
Thanks to everyone who's kept it interesting. It's Game Over for now. Hope we'll catch up soon ;-)
Technorati Tags: Baker, Signs of Emergence, The Complex Christ
I knew that reading the blog and waiting till the book came to america would pay off. Only about a year later too.
Posted by: rawbbie | October 31, 2006 at 09:23 AM
Enjoy the blog break...looking forward to reading it post-christmas.
Posted by: Ben Edson | October 31, 2006 at 09:27 AM
love the cover and design. and will follow you to your new blog address!
Posted by: Sivin | October 31, 2006 at 05:00 PM
Ditto Sivin. God keep you in all your ways, Kester, as you continue your journey.
Posted by: Dana Ames | October 31, 2006 at 05:29 PM
Always good to have a break. I have enjoyed your stuff and will be back after Christmas.
Posted by: David | November 01, 2006 at 09:24 PM
Take care Kester. Hope the 'down-time' will be fruitful and that you'll make it back to blogosphere...
Posted by: Paul Fromont | November 03, 2006 at 07:33 PM
hi kester,
once again thanks for having us. it was really good at your place (lovely pasta!). I've sort of started reading your book. Unfortunately the German translation is pretty week with quite a few dodgy sentences that make me think "...er... could you say that in English, please??". But thank you for the free copy! Anyway we're back in Austria trying to put all the puzzle pieces of thought and word together that we've seen and heard in England and trying to recover from the late effects of speaking a foreign language 8 hrs a day and drinking buckets of tea. Hope you're book sells well in US!
Posted by: ben | February 27, 2007 at 11:29 PM
Kester, a hearty congratulations on the new publication. You are a fine soul and this is a n excellent book. Well done mate!!!
Posted by: alan hirsch | June 21, 2007 at 01:07 AM