Google Translations

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October 30, 2006



I knew that reading the blog and waiting till the book came to america would pay off. Only about a year later too.

Ben Edson

Enjoy the blog break...looking forward to reading it post-christmas.


love the cover and design. and will follow you to your new blog address!

Dana Ames

Ditto Sivin. God keep you in all your ways, Kester, as you continue your journey.


Always good to have a break. I have enjoyed your stuff and will be back after Christmas.

Paul Fromont

Take care Kester. Hope the 'down-time' will be fruitful and that you'll make it back to blogosphere...


hi kester,

once again thanks for having us. it was really good at your place (lovely pasta!). I've sort of started reading your book. Unfortunately the German translation is pretty week with quite a few dodgy sentences that make me think " could you say that in English, please??". But thank you for the free copy! Anyway we're back in Austria trying to put all the puzzle pieces of thought and word together that we've seen and heard in England and trying to recover from the late effects of speaking a foreign language 8 hrs a day and drinking buckets of tea. Hope you're book sells well in US!



alan hirsch

Kester, a hearty congratulations on the new publication. You are a fine soul and this is a n excellent book. Well done mate!!!

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