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October 26, 2005



I've read all four of your posts and think you're on to something important. My question is what does this mean in real life. The most I can draw out so far is that we facilitate conversation. I don't think that in itself is enough.

John Carver's governance model, Rob Bell's ideas about binding and loosing in Velvet Elvis, and and understanding of DNA provide additional important pieces. This builds on the idea of conversation, but adds structure: The purpose of leadership is to help the system speak to its purpose and its limits. "Self-organization" emerges because the purpose and limits are simple enough to be seen and understood through incarnation. Thus, eveyone who chooses can live out the DNA.

John Carver talks about this with a seemingly modernist view of clarifying Policy Ends and Executive Limitations. Bell refers to the binding and loosing in the church as an important to help clarify people's freedom. And DNA identifies the importance of clearly summarizing and living out the important information. Thus the system self-organizes in such a way that more productive incarnations thrive and less productive ones don't. The problem in most systems is that leaders tend to define too much (not allowing the "self" in self-organization) or too little (not allowing the "organization" in self-organization). Which brings us back to the balancing act.

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